Posts Tagged With: Good morning

On a Blog on the Internet…

‘Good morning,’ said Bilbo, and he meant it.


My name is Maggie Rose Joseph etc.. I am very fond of horses, writing, drawing/painting, music, sewing, birds, books, and The Lord of the Rings.  This blog has been named so that it will cover pretty much everything.

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The header photo has some background to it.  Most of the items are homemade by me, my sister, and far-off friends.  For instance, the rabbit bunny was knitted by my sister for me for Christmas.  It is a ‘Frodo Baggins Bunny’!  The two people were made by me out of felt.  They are Frodo [again] and the other (the taller) is Boromir of Gondor.  The Hobbit Hole [above them], the drawing of the Robin, and the drawing of the Horse were all done by three very dear friends.

I hope you all will enjoy this blog!

‘Good morning!’ he said at last. ‘We don’t want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water.’ By this, he meant the conversation was at an end.

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